Creative Mornings Atlanta | Bravery

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We had the pleasure being a part of Creative Mornings ATL this past Friday. Creative Mornings ATL is a time for creatives to wake up early on a Friday, connect over a small breakfast, and hear a lecture from one of the cities successful creatives. On this Creative Morning, Atlanta had the pleasure hearing about Bravery by a wonderful and inspiring woman, Alina Wheeler. She wrote the book Designing Brand Identity - a great tool for developing an impactful and lasting brand.

What I received from the talk was that we all have a sense of what brave means but often don't view ourselves as such. BUT we are. We are Brave! It is time we stand up from what we believe in, Step out in faith to try something new, tell someone, "I Love you" for the first time, or invite our coworker or neighbor over for dinner for the first time. There are all types of bravery, The question that was asked to many people was "When can you remember being Brave? " What if we had the discussion around the table this Thanksgiving? I think it would be a memorable one. Just think of the amount of life experiences we would hear from our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, and friends.

After waking up early on a Friday to make it to a Creative Morning I never regret it. Sure it is hard to get out of bed and out the door, but the insight and the people you get to meet totally outweighs the extra sleep you could get. Oh and did I mention there is free coffee and breakfast. Hope to see you at the next one which I believe will be in the new year. Be Brave... and have a great Thanksgiving.








Photo Credit: Abbie Kressner